Cheshire Counselling World



What happens when two people in a relationship can’t agree on anything? Well one purpose of communication is to determine what reality is!!!

Communication involves the collaboration of two people as they share and examine all of their perceptions, feelings, ideas and thoughts to come to an accurate understanding of what is happening.

Everyone knows that communication is simply a matter of talking and listening. However, most of us mistakenly believe that the matter of communicating is simple. We fail to realise that communication involves specific skills which can be learned and developed in ourselves in order to talk with and listen to our loved ones.

Step 1 Give up the need to be right!! YOU are not going into a battle that YOU have to win.

Step 2: Always remember to talk about YOU and what needs are not being meet for YOU… Not about others needs but about YOU. What need would you say is not being met for YOU in this relationship?

Step 3: How do YOU check out that what has been heard – is actually what has been said?

Step 4: A deeper awareness of each other eliminates many of the misconceptions, misinterpretations and miscommunications that go into creating confusion between couples

Learning how to communicate effectively can really turn a relationship around….

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