Cheshire Counselling World

Teenagers and Family Battles

Teenagers and Family Battles

The teenage years can be a very difficult time for both the family and the teenager. The transition from childhood to adulthood is a hazardous journey that has to not only navigate hormones, body changes and developing identity, but also all the pressures that young people face these days, such things as exams, peer pressures, relationships and the social media.

This can create anxiety, confusion, depression, sadness and anger for some young people and for parents it is very distressing to see your teenagers struggle and seem overcome by the pressures and stresses of growing up. As hormones rage so can the battles at home which is unsettling for everyone. I can provide a space for the teenager and the family to help make some sense of what is happening.

I have worked in many high schools in the northwest and also for a leading northwest online counselling service for young people that covered many areas within the UK. I also offer this service in my private practice and if having read this you believe that I can be helpful for your family, please do get in touch with me and let me help your teenager to feel more understood and to regulate their own emotions in the face of a storm.

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